Creamy eggs and sweet potato montadito

We bring you a new recipe full of flavor that you can enjoy at any time of the day. Quick, easy to prepare and delicious. Perfect to surprise the family.


2 eggs
1 bunch of spinach finely chopped
1 tbsp ghee or coconut oil
1 sweet potato cut in half
For the sauce

1/2 cup kefir or drinkable Greek yogurt
1 tsp DifensMix powder (optional to give more flavor to the sauce)

How to do it

Take the sweet potato, bathe it with a little ghee, salt, pepper and bake for 20 minutes at 180^ C
Separately in the pan, add the leftover ghee + the two eggs; Beat them quickly in the pan (with a silicone spatula) over low heat for 3 minutes, remove from heat and add salt and pepper (this way they will be moist and creamy)
For the sauce

Mix the yogurt + the DifensMix; Another option is to process the kefi/yogurt with 4 fresh strawberries and the sauce is ready.

Build your montadito:
On the baked sweet potato, add a little spinach + the sauce, then the creamy egg and finish with something crunchy (I used cocoa nibs)
And your breakfast is ready!