Enjoy the magic of Christmas with our Celebration Kit and its Special Mulled Wine!

Making mulled wine has never been so simple and delicious as with our exclusive Celebration Kit. This limited edition comes packed with Christmas aromas and flavors that will transport you right into the festive spirit of the season.

Star Ingredients of our Celebration Kit:

Star anise
cinnamon stick
Dehydrated orange
sweet pepper
Whole cloves

Preparation in Three Easy Steps:

Start by heating half a bottle of wine in a pot over low heat. Add orange slices, cloves and cinnamon sticks to give it a unique aroma.
Keep the heat low and stir continuously to prevent the base from caramelizing. Enjoy the increased aroma in the drink!
Before it boils, turn off the heat, strain the drink and serve it in individual glasses. An extra? Accompany it with dark chocolate or dried fruits for an even more delicious experience.
Where to Find the Celebration Kit?

You can obtain our Celebration Kit at all our points of sale or make the purchase on our website to bring the magic of Christmas directly to your home.

Dare to delight your senses with this unique preparation and share the Christmas spirit with all your loved ones!