Rustic Avocado Salad

This rustic sauce is ideal for spreading on toast, arepas,
tortillas, pasta, rice, potatoes, yucca and more.

It is an ideal way to use your leaves
greens and guarantee a better way of conservation, since being so delicate, if we do not store them well, they are easily damaged.

The main macronutrient in this recipe is fat, which, contrary to what many believe, is essential for good health. In addition, it is advisable to consume good sources of fat such as avocado and seeds daily.

You can store it in a glass jar in the refrigerator and it will last up to 2 weeks.


1 very ripe avocado
2 kale leaves
Πsunflower seeds
Juice of 1 lemon
1 small clove of garlic
Sea salt and pepper to taste

Instead of kale you can use spinach, fresh basil, fresh mint, fresh mint, fresh parsley or fresh cilantro.
Instead of sunflower seeds you can use sesame seeds.
or nuts such as cashews, almonds or walnuts.
If you want to add a "cheese" flavor, add a
tablespoon of nutritional yeast to the preparation.
How to do it

Wash the kale leaves, separate them from their stem (reserve it for the vegetable stock), crush and massage with your hands until softened. You could also blanch it for 1 minute in hot water.
Cut the very ripe avocado, with the help of a spoon take out its "meat", add it to a bowl and mash it with the help of a fork. Mix with kale
Chop the garlic very small, add the lemon juice
Toast the seeds in a pan without oil, let them cool and then with the help of a mortar (or knife) crush them and integrate them into the mixture.
Add sea salt and pepper to taste, mix everything until you achieve a homogeneous paste, and enjoy!
Store in a glass container with a lid in the refrigerator.